Monday, May 11, 2015

Food Rules

Here are some good food rules to follow that make eating healthier easier and more manageable long term.

1.    Don’t buy anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. Like anything orange that isn’t salmon, a carrot or an orange.

2.    Avoid products containing ingredients that cannot be found in an ordinary pantry. Even better, avoid anything that contains more than five ingredients. Better still, if you can’t pronounce most of the ingredients, you don’t want to eat them.

3    Don’t buy anything that lists sugar in its first three ingredients. And NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! Not even a little.

4.    Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay away from the middle – that’s where most processed food is shelved.

5.    If it came from a plant, buy it (and eat a lot of it). If it was made in a plant, pass it by.

6.    Avoid food that is pretending to be something it is not. This includes soy-based mock meats.

7    Food making health claims on the package is not food you want to buy. Don’t take the silence of the yams as a sign they have nothing valuable to say about your health.

8.    Remember, if it is delivered through the window of the car, it is not food.

What are some rules that you follow that have helped you make eating healthier easier and more sustainable?
Feel free to share with the group!


  1. Well I weighed myself for the first time since starting the challenge and-not that this was the goal- I have lost 4lbs! I was also going to comment that I have noticed within the past week or so my appetite has calmed down. I think this is because of the work outs, I am able to monitor my portions and what I am putting into my body because of it!

  2. Great job Chelsea!!!! This is great to hear.

  3. I feel so much better when I eat on the "Fringes" of the store. Also The workouts are challenging and making me feel good. I am getting better each day.

  4. Great to hear Jodee! Keep up the good work!
